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Top 100 Movie Review #2
Good Will Hunting 

I watched the movie Good Will Hunting directed by Gus Van Sant. The film is about a boy, Will, who grew up in poverty and had a pretty rough childhood, who’s talent gets discovered. He solves an extremely difficult math problem while working as a janitor at a prestigious college and is immediately praised by the professor that discovers him. The professor makes an agreement with the prison that Will was about to go to (due to previous issues with the law) to let Will see a therapist and meet with the professor a few times a week in exchange for time in jail. The movie shows the relationship Will forms with the professor and especially the therapist, as well as his childhood friends and a new girl he meets. His relationship with the therapist is extremely powerful. Throughout the movie Will contemplates whether or not to take advantage of his extreme talent and intelligence and eventually is pressured to make certain decisions. I think the ending is really powerful and the way each character and relationship gave closure was very satisfying in my eye.


    I think this movie was cast really well...the acting was incredible and the chemistry between every character is so powerful in this film. Every little detail, right down to the accents of the characters, made the acting so believable you forgot that the people on screen are just playing characters. The film was overall gorgeous. Some of the shots I noticed in this film were really unique, and some I think inspired some modern day movies. The scene where Will and the therapist Sean were sitting on the bench was especially beautiful and powerful, and I think inspired some modern day work in the film industry. The music and lighting also played a subtle but very well placed part in this movie. I like how the music progressed along with the story. Overall, I really like the storyline of this movie although some parts I thought were a bit too cheesy which takes away from the message the movie is trying to send unfortunately. The cheesy parts were obviously overruled by the really great parts though, considering how much I enjoyed watching it. I definitely enjoyed this movie more than I would have before now that I'm watching it with a more cinematic eye because of the class. I’m now able to really genuinely appreciate the beautiful moments, and notice the moments that may take away from the story.


    I would recommend this film. I think anyone watching can really benefit from the message that it doesn’t matter where you came from or how you live your life as long as you have the right morals, are passionate about what you do, and care about the people in your life. There is an argument scene in the film between the more successful but less intelligent professor and the less successful but more intelligent therapist that really showed this message. This scene really got the point across that success has different meanings and not everyone should be striving for the same thing, or the “right” thing, which was an inspiring moment.

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