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"The Making of" Reflection Paper

The Making of Baby Driver directed by Wright

I found this featurette extremely interesting. It made me appreciate the movie Baby Driver even more than I already did, not only because I found out such interesting information, but because I saw how much hard work and dedication went into making this film.


Something I didn't know about this production before watching the behind the scenes featurette was how much of the intense driving scenes were real. Because they were so intense and dangerous I assumed they were all done using special effects, but there was actual driving happening which I find insane and also extremely fascinating. 


Because of how real the stunts and effects were, the cast obviously had to go through a lot learning how to execute them properly. The main character, played by Ansel Elgort, had to practice for a long time and learn how to do some pretty dangerous car stunts, and learn how to become a master at driving in order to fit the role. Even if some of the tasks were difficult though, obviously practice makes perfect and that shows in this movie. Elgort also had good and professional teachers to help him overcome the difficulties of performing the tasks he did.  Something else that the  cast had to put a lot of work into and often struggled with in this movie was the timing. This film is super interesting because the soundtrack is an extremely important part of it, and it was the directors goal to have all of the actiony scenes match perfectly with the music, and every sound (whether it was a car door shutting or a step someone was making), had to synchronize perfectly with the rhythm of the music. That is obviously a challenging task but because the cast was devoted and constantly practiced and retook shots, they were able to overcome that issue and make an extremely satisfying movie.


After seeing the behind the scenes of a film set for a movie I really like it made me think about working on a film set. Working on a film set would definitely be an interesting experience, and no matter what job someones working on set, they are working very hard. This featurette made that very clear. If I were to work on a film set I would be most interested in being an actor or a costume designer. I enjoy both acting and fashion, and the experience and process of being on a film set is so fascinating so it would be a great experience to work on either.

Movie Trailer:

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