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Plushie 1

I didn't have a very steady hold on the camera so the film was pretty wobbly; next time I'm definitely going to work on fixing that. I also should have thought of an idea for a story before I started filming instead of coming up with it after I collected the random shots. But it definitely was an interesting process learning how to work the camera and experiment with zooming in and such. I also had fun editing the project. I liked looking through the different sound affects and video filters, even if they appear pretty random in this film. I'm excited to be able to edit more creatively after learning the basics of final cut pro. Overall this was a good experience. 

Plushie 2

Story Board:

This film was more fun to make than the last one because I knew how to use final cut pro better so I was able to experiment. I also felt more comfortable using the camera and the different settings. I still had the problem of not having a steady camera though, I should work on that. I also think I could have made this longer and given the story more depth. But I am glad that I now understand how to work the basic equipment and I'm happy about that. 

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