News story on food at the Mountain Campus
Behind the scenes pictures:
(Group: Parker, Quinn, Rebecca, Annmarie)
Story board:
Finished Film:
This news story was fun to make. I enjoyed finally getting the hang of setting everything up and actually making something. I was still more used to being on camera before this, so it was a good experience for me to understand more how the cameras and lights work. Due to the schedule and timing of this news story, we weren't able to interview the Mountain Campus director or get any footage at the Mountain Campus, which was our original goal. So it was a challenge still creating this story and making it interesting without actually ever leaving BBA. This experience made me understand that its okay if your original "vision" on a film changes. Overall I'm happy with how it turned out--Annmarie did a great job editing to make the story more interesting. I feel like I was a bit too awkward being interviewed on camera this time for some reason, so thats something I definitely need to work on.